
Application Letter

Depok, 20 january 2014
Dear Mr/Mrs,
Jl. Lidah Buaya No. 001, Depok Timur
subject : job applications
Based on information stamped on the print media, a newspaper yesterday about a vacancy in PT.SANGSARA MEDIA. Through letters a request for this i want to apply oneself to apply for the job in the company Mr / Mrs was led to fill the gap is needed now. I they hand down here  :
Name                           :Eka Ilman Munandar
the date of birth           : Sukabumi, 13 september 1991
gender                          : men
education                     : Computer System, University Gunadarma 2010
Address                       : Jl. Raya Puncak,Bogor
Telephone                    : 085716838881
To furnish a few the necessary data as an ingredient of consideration Mr / Mrs company time to come, I attach also completeness data self as follows :
1. Fitting a picture.
2. The photo copy id cards.
3. A list of the acts of life.
4. The photo copy of the certificate last.
5. The photo copy the details of the value of the exam.
6. The photo copy of the certificate of competence.
7. The photo copy of the certificate the practice of field work.
8. The photo copy certificate refrensi.
So i made a request for this letter with actual and upon attention and wisdom Mr / Mrs, i say thank you. 
My sincerely,

Eka Ilman Munandar